Friday, September 12, 2008

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Chuck Norris for President

I am a little disenchanted with the election this year. I have never bought into the "lesser of two evils" argument that so many seem to readily accept and even advocate. That is why I am going to use my vote as wisely as possible and vote for Chuck Norris. You may think that seems a little radical or crazy, but you won't feel that way after you read my top ten personal reasons that I will be voting for Chuck Norris come this November. Let's start a revolution. Vote for Chuck Norris:

10) Chuck Norris' isn't afraid of weapons of mass destruction. Chuck Norris is a weapon of mass destruction.
9) Chuck Norris is pro-choice - make the choice to get an abortion and he will make the choice to give you a roundhouse kick to the face.
8) Chuck Norris supports the death penalty and enforces it with his fists on a regular basis.
7) The energy crisis would be over - Chuck can power his car for days on a pint of his own urine.
6) Chuck Norris' foreign policy is simple and cost effective. That's because Chuck could easily kick the head off of any foreign leader with one roundhouse kick to the face.
5) Chuck Norris believes in the right to carry concealed weapons. After all, he does everyday just by wearing pants.
4) Chuck Norris doesn't believe that evolution should be taught in schools. That's because natural selection is predicated upon which living creatures Chuck decides to let live.
3) If Chuck Norris were elected president, we could immediately withdraw all of our troops and send Chuck to the middle east to end the war with a few roundhouse kicks to the face.
2) Chuck Norris doesn't need a running mate. His shadow is smarter, quicker, and better looking than Joe Biden or Sarah Palin.
1) John McCain is old. Chuck Norris doesn't get older, he just gets stronger.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Longing for Home

Well, after realizing that I hadn't written anything for over a month now, I decided I ought to take some time and express some of the feelings I have had recently about life.
I felt impressed yesterday that within every human soul is a longing for our Heavenly Home. Even to the atheist, there is inevitably a longing for something deep within, something that the world cannot give or take away. It is this longing which governs our thoughts, our actions, and our greatest desires. In this life, there seems to be moments in which we become better acquainted with that which we are longing for. They are moments when the divine is within reach, and we realize that we are not feeling something new, but remembering that which we always knew. Even before our glorious reuniting with Heavenly parents and angelic hosts, we may in awesome wonder, consider and taste of that wondrous celestial state even while abiding on a telestial earth.
Can any comprehend what it would be like for one who has been blind to suddenly gaze upon the beauty of a sunset, or to view with awesome grandeur the colors of spring? Can any begin to fathom what feelings and rapture would fill the heart of one who was once deaf and suddenly given power to hear the vibrant sounds of heavenly symphonies or to listen to the melodic sound of a bird? Yet, in seeking to comprehend the grandeur of such, we may only begin to understand what it will be like for each of us to one day return to Father's loving arms. "For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known (1 Cor 13:12)." I long for home.